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Are You Vitamin D Deficient? Here’s How to Know + What to Do if You Are

Do you experience feelings of fatigue? Do your joints ache? Maybe you have a Vitamin D deficiency. As we spend more time in our home during winter and less time away from the sunshine, there’s a good chance you may need to boost your Vitamin D consumption.

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble micronutrient vital for human health. It’s one of the many vitamins our body requires to stay fit and healthy – mentally and physically. 

But how can you identify a deficiency and how can you up your Vitamin D intake? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In this post, we’ve explored what a deficiency is, the symptoms to look out for and our Vitamin D deficiency treatment guidelines. Let’s get you feeling your best!

We’ll cover:

Why Is Vitamin D Important? A Recap

Regardless of age, Vitamin D enables our bodies to absorb calcium, magnesium and phosphate as well as many other biological effects. 

Vitamin D contributes to healthy bones, strong teeth, and mood regulation and it also supports the correct functioning of the immune system. Without adequate levels of Vitamin D, the human body will experience several negative side effects.

It’s key to look at the symptoms that can come with a deficiency and highlight where you might need additional support. A healthier life can be yours and there is a way to boost your energy – so let’s highlight the symptoms and discover the solutions. 

How to Know if You Have a Vitamin D Deficiency?

A Vitamin D deficiency is very common, although many people are unaware of what it is and what causes it. Symptoms can be hard to notice and if you’ve experienced them for some time, it can be hard to identify if it’s caused by a lack of Vitamin D or other contributing factors. 

One of the most common causes of a deficiency is the lack of ultraviolet B (UVB) sunlight. A deficiency can also arise if Vitamin D can’t be metabolised correctly through the intestines. 

90 per cent of the Vitamin D our bodies need is generated by the sun and only 10 per cent of it comes from your diet. Even if you eat a diet rich in Vitamin D, you could still be at risk of a deficiency.

According to the UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey around one in five adults may have or experience a Vitamin D deficiency and 50 to 60 per cent of the British population is deficient. There are certain groups that are at higher risk of a vitamin D deficiency and they are:

  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women.
  • People aged 65+ years.
  • Individuals who have darker skin.
  • People who are located in northern latitudes or areas of high pollution, work night shifts or are homebound.

But what are the symptoms to keep an eye out for? Low Vitamin D levels can lead to a range of problems. Here are some of the symptoms that you might notice.

Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms 

  • Fatigue – are you experiencing chronic tiredness and sleepiness? Anyone can experience fatigue and it’s usually an underlying condition that requires treatment. It might be your lack of Vitamin D that’s draining your energy and boosting your levels of the vitamin could reduce your symptoms.
  • Achy bones and joints – have you experienced throbbing or aching in your knees and back? A Vitamin D deficiency impacts bone health. Individuals who lack adequate levels of the vitamin could also be at risk of fractures, and bone and joint complications.
  • Regular sickness or infection – Vitamin D helps your immune system fight off infections and aids recovery. If you’ve noticed that you’re getting sick more often, then it could be a deficiency and it might be worth noting. 
  • Low mood – your serotonin hormone that stabilises your mood can also be lower because of your lack of exposure to the sun. The human body requires adequate levels of Vitamin D to generate serotonin in the brain. If you’re anxious, irritable or low it could be another sign of a deficiency.  
  • Hair loss – have you noticed excess amounts of hair loss? Although this can be worrying, it’s also a common symptom of a Vitamin D deficiency and increasing your intake could encourage new hair growth.

A Vitamin D deficiency may show a combination of symptoms or it may take years for symptoms to show. However, no matter the situation, you deserve to feel and function at your best all year round. You must take the necessary steps forward to help your body heal, repair and re-energise. 

Getting enough Vitamin D isn’t impossible. There are many ways that you can boost your intake daily – especially in the colder months when supplements are advised. We’re going to explore the Vitamin D deficiency treatment guidelines so you’re fully equipped with everything you need to know!

Vitamin D Deficiency Treatment Guidelines

Vitamin D treatment will vary from one individual to the next and it will all depend on various considerations including age, UVB exposure, diet, and health status. 

If you have decreased Vitamin D levels or you want to ensure you’re getting enough – there are many ways you can naturally increase your Vitamin D intake. Whether that’s exercising outdoors or adding a supplement to your regime – the possibilities are endless. 

Try a Vitamin D Supplement

At Heed Life, we’re focused on supporting great people by creating purpose-built products tailored to individual needs for amazing results. We know the importance of well-being and we aim to help everyone achieve optimal energy levels and perform at their best. Sometimes, that takes some extra support from a supplement and that’s where we can help.

Preventing the likelihood of a deficiency occurring will enhance your physical and mental wellbeing. By taking a Vitamin D supplement regularly you’ll be ensuring you’re prepared for the colder months, and fully supporting your immune system.

If you’re looking for a convenient and easy way to supplement your diet and lifestyle with Vitamin D, a spray is a great choice. We have created our own bespoke Vitamin D3 spray that can be carried on the go and used either in the morning or evening. Containing only two ingredients, delivering 2000 IU per spray and infused with a zesty flavouring, there’s never been an easier way to consume the benefits of Vitamin D3. 

Our Vitamin D3 spray can aid optimal immune support, help maintain healthy bones and teeth and contribute to normal muscle function. For the best results, take one to two sprays under the tongue per day with food. All of our products are sold as food and dietary supplements and they are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent or treat disease.

Consider Light Therapy

Light plays a vital role in regulating your sleep/wake cycle, it’s a natural mood lifter and it’s a great energy boost. During the winter, our supply of light is limited and we likely spend more time indoors because of the dark and gloomy weather.

According to Professor Norman E. Rosenthal (psychiatrist and scientist, 1980), light therapy can increase serotonin in the body, improve feelings of well-being and even combat the symptoms of SAD. Light therapy can also decrease melatonin secretion (the sleep hormone) helping you avoid the mid-afternoon slump.

Light therapy can be used either by sunrise simulation or by using a bright light emitted by a SAD lamp. A bright lightbox can help give you the energy boost you need whilst also improving the feelings of optimal wellbeing. Although light therapy isn’t a treatment for Vitamin D deficiency, it can help with the side effects of a Vitamin D deficiency and reduce symptoms.

Prioritise Your Wellness

Your health is your greatest asset and each day, you can be one step closer to optimal wellbeing. All great outcomes take time but there are things you can do every day that can help reduce the negative effects of a Vitamin D deficiency, as well as boost your overall wellbeing for the long term.

Daily exercise, eating a nutritious and balanced diet, investing in rest and reducing levels of stress are all contributors to optimal wellbeing. Your wellness is the foundation of your life and supplementation, light therapy and other Vitamin D boosting benefits are additional extras. 

If you’re ready to support yourself this winter and kickstart your wellness for the long term, look no further. With the help of Heed Life, we’ll get you on track so you can make the most of every day whilst also feeling your best.

What does vitamin D do?

Vitamin D is important for regulating the immune system, helping to fight infection and inflammation. It’s also essential for healthy bones and teeth because it helps the body to absorb calcium.

Vitamin D has been linked with a reduced risk of developing cancer, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, and other conditions.

How can I increase vitamin D in my body?

There are several ways to increase vitamin D in your body. Sun exposure is one of the best ways, as your body produces vitamin D when it is exposed to sunlight. You can also get vitamin D from food sources, such as fatty fish, eggs, and cheese.

Finally, you can take a vitamin D supplement to ensure that you are getting enough of this important nutrient.

What foods are highest in vitamin D?

Interestingly, vitamin D is not found in many foods. The best sources are oily fish such as salmon, mackerel and herring. Cod liver oil is also a very good source. Small amounts are found in eggs, meat and fortified breakfast cereals.

Sunshine is the main way our body produces vitamin D and it’s important to have some sun exposure on our skin without sunscreen every day – between 10-15 minutes depending on your skin type – for our body to make enough vitamin D.

So eating foods that contain vitamin D is important, but it’s also essential to get outside and enjoy the sunshine too!

When should I take Vitamin D?

There is no universal answer to this question, as the ideal time to take Vitamin D will vary depending on a number of factors, including your age, health status, and exposure to sunlight.

However, some experts recommend taking Vitamin D supplements in the autumn and winter months, when exposure to sunlight is likely to be lower.

Additionally, if you are over the age of 60 or have darker skin, you may need more Vitamin D than people in other groups. Talk to your doctor about what dose of Vitamin D is right for you.

How much fat do I need to absorb vitamin D?

Nutritionists used to think you needed about 3 tablespoons of fat to absorb a day’s worth of vitamin D, but more recent research suggests that smaller amounts may be enough.

In fact, a study published in the journal PLOS One showed that people who consumed a breakfast with about 1 tablespoon of olive oil or butter were able to absorb significantly more vitamin D from fortified foods than those who had a low-fat breakfast. (Source)

So it looks like you don’t need as much fat as once thought to get your daily dose of vitamin D. However, it’s always best to check with your doctor or nutritionist to find out how much fat you need for absorption and what types are best for you.

How Do You Get Vitamin D and Calcium?

The best way to get your daily dose of vitamin D and calcium is by enjoying a healthy diet that includes plenty of leafy green vegetables, nuts, seeds, and oily fish like salmon.

You can also get your vitamin D and calcium fix by spending time in the sun and by taking a quality supplement.

Support Yourself This Winter With the Help of Heed Life

Now you know how to identify a deficiency, you can get your health and wellbeing on track by utilising our Vitamin D deficiency treatment guidelines.

Enhancing your Vitamin D intake is just one way to enhance your well-being and self-care. But did you know there are some other things you could be doing to prioritise your wellbeing?

We’ve covered all you need to know in our FREE downloadable Ebook. From the importance of wellbeing and how to improve it to tips on minimising your stress levels. Download it TODAY and put yourself first – you deserve it!

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