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Cannabidiol for sleep: What the research says

Anecdotal reports and some studies indicate that CBD can aid in restful sleep. Here are some essential facts concerning Cannabidiol for sleep.

One of the key cannabinoids in the cannabis plant is cannabidiol, generally known as CBD. Your body’s endocannabinoid system is affected by cannabinoids in a way that aids in maintaining balance and stability.

CBD is not psychoactive, so it won’t make you “high,” unlike tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Instead, it has several medical uses, including lessening epileptic patients’ seizure frequency and relieving pain from various ailments.

CBD may help you fall asleep and stay asleep

You’re not the only one who struggles to get good sleep: According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, almost 70 million adults in the United States have ongoing sleep issues. (Source)

Researchers are looking into cannabidiol (CBD) as an alternative to the many tools that are now available to help with sleep. Such as supplements, drugs, sleep coaches, and cutting-edge technology.

Understanding how CBD may affect sleep requires knowledge of the endocannabinoid system (ECS). The term “cannabinoid,” which appears in the system’s name, alludes to the cannabis Sativa plant’s active ingredients that affect the ECS.

Anxiety and pain, two things that could make it hard for someone to fall or stay asleep, may be eased by CBD, which may help people unwind.

How CBD works to improve sleep

Studies that conclude that CBD can help with sleep cannot always explain why this is the case. Most studies stress the need for additional research on CBD before we fully comprehend how it affects our ability to sleep. 

However, as was already noted, several researchers claim that CBD helps people sleep better since it addresses the underlying reasons for insomnia. We will discover more about why and how CBD can help us sleep as an additional study on the substance is conducted.

Insomnia and CBD

People with insomnia have trouble getting to sleep or staying asleep at night. The capacity to concentrate, mood, and daily wakefulness are all impacted by this disease. People with insomnia may experience anxiety about getting little sleep because of their history of receiving little sleep, which might worsen their insomnia at night.

It is hypothesised that CBD may aid in lowering the anxiety related to sleeplessness, given the possible benefits of CBD treatment for anxiety. New pilot research examining the effects of CBD and THC in people with officially diagnosed insomnia is also in progress. The study’s findings will shed further light on how CBD affects sleeplessness.

Excessive Daytime Sleepiness Disorder and CBD

Excessive daytime sleepiness disorder makes it difficult for sufferers to stay awake during the regular daytime hours. CBD may be a helpful tool for getting up on time and staying awake. 

CBD appears to have wake-inducing properties, according to preliminary animal research. (Source) However, other studies contend that CBD has soothing properties. More research is required to determine how CBD consumption affects wakefulness and sleepiness.

Anxiety and CBD

Despite not being a sleep disorder in and of itself, anxiety can influence the quality, quantity, and sleep disturbances. Early studies suggest that CBD can treat anxiety-related diseases since it relaxes the nervous system. According to a survey, approximately 80% of participants who took CBD to treat their anxiety reported less anxiety within a month. More than 65% of individuals first reported sleeping better, then the results varied. (Source)

REM Sleep Behavior Disorder and CBD

Patients with REM sleep behaviour disorder verbally abuse others and act violently in the rapid eye movement (REM) stage of sleep. The problem is more prevalent in elderly persons with neurological illnesses, including Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

Four Parkinson’s patients participated in a small trial where CBD was used to treat the symptoms of REM sleep behaviour disorder. The patients’ condition symptoms were present before using CBD 2–7 times weekly. The symptoms started happening 0–1 times per week after taking CBD. Although more research is required, these preliminary findings point to CBD as a potential treatment for REM sleep behaviour disorder. (Source)

How to use Cannabidiol for sleep

There are numerous CBD administration methods. It takes on a variety of shapes, including:

  • vape concentrates
  • pills and capsules
  • oils and tinctures
  • edibles, like gummies

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In comparison to other forms, CBD is typically absorbed faster when vaped. Vaping CBD hasn’t been the subject of much research, and smoking, in general, may be harmful to the respiratory system.

Several variables will affect how much CBD you use and when you take it. How well CBD works will depend on your weight, unique body chemistry, and the specifics of your sleeping issues. It’s possible that what works for some folks won’t for others.

Does CBD Interact With Other Prescriptions?

Other prescription drugs that a person is taking may interact with CBD. CBD, in particular, can inhibit the liver’s capacity to metabolise several medicines. The patient may become overly tired when using CBD and herbs or vitamins.

Consult your doctor before utilising any CBD products. You should disclose any drugs, herbs, or supplements you are taking to your doctor so they can determine whether CBD could have a harmful reaction. 

If CBD is a practical choice to achieve your health objectives, your doctor will be able to let you know.

CBD Oil for Sleep: Pros and Cons

CBD oil may help to reduce anxiety and improve sleep by interacting with the body’s endocannabinoid system. This system regulates several important functions, including mood, appetite, and memory. However, there is currently limited scientific evidence to support these claims.

Some research suggests that CBD oil may indeed be beneficial for sleep. A small study found that people with insomnia who took a CBD-based medication reported sleeping better than those who took a placebo.

However, more research is needed to confirm these results. There are also potential side effects to consider before taking CBD oil for sleep. These include drowsiness, dry mouth, reduced appetite, and diarrhoea.

It is also important to note that CBD oil quality can vary greatly between brands. As a result, it is always best to speak with a doctor before using CBD oil or any other supplement.

Most people tolerate CBD oil well, but it is possible to experience side effects, despite them being mild in nature.

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